Day 1

12:00 - 13:00 Workshops Session 1: Designing and Implementing Randomised Controlled Trials in Education

This workshop will build on Richard’s keynote and give delegates a practical hands on experience of designing a randomised controlled trial.  During the workshop delegates will explore different types of trial and strategies for randomisation.

13:00 - 14:00 Lunch

14:00 - 15:00 Workshop Session 2: Learning and Remembering

In this session delegates will learn about the processes of memory and recall and how such an understanding can be used to enhance classroom teaching and pupil outcomes in a wide range of subject areas.

15:30 - 16:30 Workshop Session 3: Desirable Difficulties in the Classroom

Making learning more difficult in the short-term can improve learning outcome because the more we think about something the more likely it is to be remembered. This session will teach delegates about the main evidence-based strategies in this area.

Dr Richard Churches FRSA - Lead Adviser for Education Reform and Evidence Based Practice, Education Development Trust

Day 2

10:00 - 11:00 Calculus, Quantum Physics, Organic Chemistry -What employers really want in 21st Century School Leavers

Often educational institutions focuses on the need for students to gain mastery in core subjects and improve their attainment, although academic excellence is a contributing factor in the idea of young people being employable, there are other key factors to be considered. School Leavers will have to be flexible and have the personal capabilities to manage changing and challenging work situations. This interactive session is aimed at teachers, middle leaders and senior leaders, who are keen to develop future ready learners who can contribute meaningful to their immediate and global society. The session aims to highlight meaningful employment engagement strategies that can be incorporated both inside and outside the classroom to help develop students' employability skills and make them globally competitive.

Esther Olayiwola, Educational Consultant, Learning Evolution 

11:00 - 11:30 Coffee Break

11:30 - 12:30 Workshops Session 1: Designing and Implementing Randomised Controlled Trials in Education

This workshop will build on Richard’s keynote and give delegates a practical hands on experience of designing a randomised controlled trial.  During the workshop delegates will explore different types of trial and strategies for randomisation.

Dr Richard Churches FRSA - Lead Adviser for Education Reform and Evidence Based Practice, Education Development Trust

12:30 - 13:00 The Importance of the 21st Century Skills in Education. What would Socrates say?

"I know nothing except the fact of my ignorance."  These are the famous words of Socrates. My fear is that instead of knowing nothing except the fact of our own ignorance, we will know everything except the fact of our own ignorance. Socrates belief was that we learn best by asking crucial questions  and testing tentative answers against reason and fact in a continual and virtuous circle of honest debate. 
 We need to prepare students with the right skills for the 21st century challenges. Students will need to successfully manage the complexity, volatility and diversity of our world by becoming more fluid, flexible, focused on reality, and radically more innovative and creative. To solve the 21st century's  challenges, we will need an education system that doesn't focus on examination to the test or on regurgitating facts, but rather on promoting metacognitive skills that enable us to monitor our own learning and make changes in our approach if our learning is not going well.

13:00 - 14:00 Lunch

14:00 - 15:00 Workshop Session 2: Learning and Remembering

In this session delegates will learn about the processes of memory and recall and how such an understanding can be used to enhance classroom teaching and pupil outcomes in a wide range of subject areas.

Dr Richard Churches FRSA - Lead Adviser for Education Reform and Evidence Based Practice, Education Development Trust


15:00 - 15:30 The Near Future of AI in the Classroom: A Bridge to Personalized Learning

Faced with a growing global teacher shortage and an increased need for just-in-time learning, artificial intelligence and machine learning may serve to improve school performance and student outcomes. While adaptive learning has been part of the education landscape for twenty plus years, artificial intelligence can help us shape unique, multi-dimensional learning plans for students, understand student's areas of need (academic and emotional), and help teachers and schools assess the impact of learning interventions on an individual level. This talk will focus on artificial intelligence in schools today and in the near future - from early intervention for dyslexia to cognitive-behavioral support to individual study skills coaching.

Christine Nasserghodsi, Partner, Mirai Partners

16:00 - 17:00 Workshop Session 3: Desirable Difficulties in the Classroom

Making learning more difficult in the short-term can improve learning outcome because the more we think about something the more likely it is to be remembered. This session will teach delegates about the main evidence-based strategies in this area.

Dr Richard Churches FRSA - Lead Adviser for Education Reform and Evidence Based Practice, Education Development Trust